Highgate Business Park

Highgate Business Park

Project Description

Previous design work carried out for this project resulted in an earthworks imbalance of 200,000m3 that the existing consultants were struggling to resolve. Candor3 were asked to review work to date and determine if a solution was available.

The commercial component of the project was quickly resolved and a consent lodged to allow earthworks to proceed. The residential component of the project was on a geotechnically challenging piece of land and the scheme derived was fighting the landform and preventing an earthworks balance.

Through a rescheming of the residential component of the land an earthworks balance was achieved with lower geotechnical stabilization costs and a slight increase in the developable area.


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Highgate Business Park


Previous design work carried out for this project resulted in an earthworks imbalance of 200,000m3 that the existing consultants were struggling to resolve. Candor3 were [...]