Stormwater Conveyance Study, Papakura

Stormwater Conveyance Study, Papakura

Project Description

Future development areas of Papakura are very flat and currently prone to flooding. Council proposals to address the problems required significant capital expenditure which would be passed on to developers and ratepayers.

Candor3, while working with another consultancy, suggested alternatives that would reduce this burden and subsequently carried out a Council funded study to confirm the options for disposal of stormwater. This study took into account the likely future requirements of developers in the area, the costs of implementation and long term maintenance.

The experience our staff possess delivered –

  • Reduced costs of implementing a robust solution for the community, developers and Council
  • A high level of future flood mitigation for the community at reasonable cost.

Delivered through –

  • Challenging assumptions and being proactive in developing and driving better more cost effective solutions
  • A desire to minimise our clients and the communities costs and willingness to fight for this outcome
  • Quality computer modelling of solutions
  • Questioning of prior design works and validation of assumptions and confirming the validity of brief before proceeding
  • Technical Knowledge in land development, flooding and stormwater conveyance.

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