Stormwater Network Design, One Tree Point, Whangarei

Stormwater Network Design, One Tree Point, Whangarei

Project Description

The One Tree Point development is a 410 lot subdivision immediately north of Marsden Cove Marina.

The land is extremely flat and previous development had blocked the natural overland flowpaths creating a flood risk that new stormwater networks had to mitigate as well as serving the proposed future development.

While with another consultancy, John Gardiner directed the design and hydraulic modelling of the stormwater networks for this project including stormwater treatment and attenuation devices and a coastal outfall. The project stalled in 2007 due to the global financial crisis with only stage 1 complete.

The experience our staff possess contributed to –

  • Mitigation of existing flood related issues for the existing and future residents.
  • Proposed high levels of stormwater treatment coupled with strong amenity for the community through ponds within landscaped reserves.
  • Reduced earthworks over the site minimising the need for imported fill reducing the impact on surrounding roads and communities.

Delivered through –

  • Experience designing and implementing drainage networks for flat sites and a complete understanding of the dynamics and necessity to integrate infrastructure elements.
  • Accurate identification of the causes of potential flooding and understanding of options for resolving issues.
  • High quality cost effective computer modelling of solutions.


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