Candor³ are excited to be a part of the team delivering the innovative Market Cove development in Favona, South Auckland. With circa 1200 apartments and terraced houses to be constructed this is a significant project aimed at providing a mix of much needed affordable housing in Auckland. Sited on the foreshore of the Manukau Harbour [...]
Norwood Drive, Flat Bush
Affordable Housing, Development, High Density, Residential, Surveying
A 29 lot integrated housing development in Flat Bush. Working on behalf of our client and in conjunction with Paul Brown Architects, Candor³ carried out the planning, surveying and engineering for this development. Working collaboratively with Council it was possible to arrive at an outcome that successfully met the needs of all stakeholders and sets [...]
162 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush
Affordable Housing, Development, High Density, Residential, Surveying
Sited on a unique site with a significant stand of native bush spanning half the site this terraced house development is now consented and construction is due to commence in August. Significant thought has gone into this project and the finished result will display many unique features at prices that are some 25% lower than [...]
188 Murphys Road, Flat Bush
Affordable Housing, Development, High Density, Residential, Surveying
This 27 dwelling subdivision goes some way to answering the call of affordable housing in Auckland. With land value in Auckland driving prices to a significant degree this project has, through an integrated process, reduced lot sizes to around 150m² land while smart architecture provides attractive homes that satisfy the needs of purchasers. Consent has [...]
125 Gills Road, Albany
Affordable Housing, Development, High Density, Residential, Surveying
A 118 unit integrated development in Albany, Auckland. This project was consented in 2007 but the project fell victim to the Global Financial Crisis. A new consultancy team headed by Candor³ became involved in 2012. By collaborating with the neighbours and Council a redesign of the site and a variations to the consent allowed costs [...]